Business Headshots

Model and Actor Headshots

 We work closely with models and actors to produce professional-looking headshots that are relevant to the industries they are pursuing. We offer both indoor and outdoor sessions, utilizing both controlled studio lighting and environmental lighting techniques. First impressions are important, and a solid headshot is an investment that should be high on the list. We bring out the best in you, and we promise you will feel comfortable and relaxed with us.

In this social media, on-line world, your photo becomes "YOU". It is the first impression you make with a new client, employer or colleague. Don't represent yourself poorly on-line.  All it takes is one phone call or email to Renaissance Studio and our award-winning team will handle everything.

We set you apart from the rest. This is what we do ... so you can do what you do!

 Corporate and Executive Headshots

 Corporate and executive headshots are intended to reinforce an individual’s commitment to professionalism and dedication. Our goal is to create a headshot that will convey a positive image and communicate your strengths. Amazing headshots are carefully crafted to convey an individual’s strongest points and personality. Professional headshots are often a requirement for new employment and new businesses ventures. Renaissance Studio is dedicated to the skillful crafting of high-quality headshots that stand out of the crowd of mediocracy. We offer a variety of headshot styles and looks, and will cater to your specific needs.

A professional headshot session begins with careful attention to lighting and posing. Simply stated, we understand that not everyone can be photographed in the exact same way. Our choices of lighting and posing are carefully selected to emphasize the strongest features of our clients, while de-emphasizing those considered less flattering.

Renaissance Studio offers both in-office sessions as well as environmental and on-location sessions for individuals and groups.

Renaissance studio specializes in creating professional business headshots that have a relaxed and inviting look and feel. If you are a business owner, a real estate agent or any type of professional that interacts with other people in the marketplace, a great headshot is a must. Our goal is to help you build your brand with a professional headshot, and work closely with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Individual Headshot Session $235

  • • 1-Hour Session
  • • 5 High-Resolution Image Downloads
  • • 1 Professional Retouch
  • • Private Online Gallery

Group Headshot Session $599

  • • This session is ideal for small groups of up to 4 individuals.
  • • 2-Hour Session
  • • 15 High-Resolution Image Downloads
  • • Up to 4 Professional Retouches
  • • Private Online Gallery
  • • Make-up Option Available

All sessions are by appointment only.